Selenite Bowl
30.00 € inc. VATIdeal for resting and cleansing your Crystals or Jewelry.
Energy Amplifier Energy Regulator Great Healer -Amplifies our energy. -Enhances our psychic abilities. -Filters out any interruptions during meditation. -Ideal for programing. -Cures everything. -Aligns our chakras. Cleansing: Water, Salt, Mixture of herbs, Boiled Sage, Smudging (only if it is not its initial cleanse)
Ενεργειακός Ενισχυτής Ρυθμιστής Ενέργειας Μέγας Θεραπευτής -Ενισχύει την ενέργεια μας. -Προσφέρει διαύγεια. -Τονώνει τις ψυχικές ικανότητες. -Φιλτράρει τους περισπασμούς στον διαλογισμό. -ιδανικός για προγραμματισμό. -Θεραπεύει οποιαδήποτε πάθηση. -Εναρμονίζει όλα τα τσάκρας. Καθαρισμός: Αλάτι, Μίγμα Βοτάνων, Καπνός από λιβάνι και φασκόμηλο (όχι για αρχικό καθαρισμό).
Prosperity Detox Cleansing -Releases negative thoughts and calms the mind. -Encourages Prosperity and abundance. -Calms our nervous system. -A perfect cleanser for the body. -Helpful with kidney problems. -Releases toxins. Cleansing Water, Salt, Mixture of herbs, Boiled Sage, Smudging (only if it is not its initial cleanse).
Selenite Bowls are ideal for cleaning your crystals and jewelry.
Prosperity Detox Cleansing
A facial massage at the end of a hard day offers deep relaxation!
Ideal for placing crystals / crystal jewelry and cleansing.
Program the Carnelian pebbles to cleanse any jewel/crystal you place upon them.