Citrine Point
28.00 € inc. VATAbundance Optimism Joy
Γονιμότητα Ζωτικότητα Αισθησιασμός
Καρνεόλη: ενα τονωτικό για το sex drive σας! Αν νιώθετε μπλοκαρισμένοι δημιουργικά η σεξουαλικά, αυτός ο κρύσταλλος με την ζεστή του ενέργεια, θα επαναφέρει την ζωτικότητα σας ενεργοποιώντας.
Ideal for placing crystals / crystal jewelry and cleansing.
Program the Carnelian pebbles to cleanse any jewel/crystal you place upon them.
Sexuality Joy Positivity
Create a calm, protective and positive atmosphere in your space, using the properties of Sunstone. Contains a piece of Obsidian for the grounding of these properties.
If you are feeling blockage (sexually or creatively) the warm energy of this crystal will energize you and bring vitality to your every day.
Abundance Optimism Joy -Teaches how to manifest and attract wealth and prosperity. -Increases our self confidence. -Helps us find the joy within. -Enhances our concentration. -Stops anger. -Cleanses our chairs (mostly our solar plexus and naval chacra). -Helps heal CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). -Helps heal depression. Cleansing Citrine crystals do not require cleansing. They clean…
Self Esteem Abundance Energy -Helps us overcome inaction and a sense of incompetency that we may experience. -Encourages a feeling of self worth, success and wealth. -Useful for business planning. -Shields from negative energy blocks negativity, -Helpful with sadness and despair. -Increases our energy levels and helps us overcome fatigue. -Very helpful with lung problems….
Carnelian: an elixir for your sex drive!
If you feel blocked creatively or sexually, this crystal with its warm energy wi revive you.