Tantric Twin Crystal
70.00 € inc. VATEnergy Amplifier Energy Regulator Great Healer
Ηρεμία Συναισθηματική Ασφάλεια Γονιμότητα
Όπως το φεγγάρι, έτσι και ο κρύσταλλος του.. Η πέτρα αυτή μας θυμίζει ότι όλα είναι μέρος ενός κύκλου αλλαγής. Παράλληλα καλλιεργεί μια αίσθηση ασφάλειας μέσα από την προθυμία μας να είμαστε ανοιχτοί και (ενδεχομένως) ευάλωτοι μέσα σε μια υγιή σχέση.
Detachment Cleansing Grounding -Instills compassion. -Encourages us to speak our own truth surpassing our fears and blockages. -Ideal for detaching from people. -Ideal for cleansing and grounding. -Helps heal the thyroid. -Aligns our chakras. -Helpful in the transition from life to death. Cleansing: Does not hold negativity. Never needs cleansing.
Would you like to be lucky in love? In a job interview? The answer to all is Green Aventurine. Luck is not something that happens by chance. It is created through a positive mental state.
40cm Sterling Silver chain with a 5cm extension.
Energy Amplifier Energy Regulator Great Healer -Amplifies our energy. -Enhances our psychic abilities. -Filters out any interruptions during meditation. -Ideal for programing. -Cures everything. -Aligns our chakras. Cleansing: Salt, Mixture of herbs, Boiled Sage, Smudging (only if it is not its initial cleanse)