What are Crystals?
Crystals are fossils created in the depths of Mother Earth. They all have some quality of energy.
How do Crystals work?
Like all living beings (humans, animals, plants), crystals too have aura.
The interaction between our aura and that of the Crystal is what creates the vibrational tuning we call Crystal Therapy.
What is Crystal Programming?
Every Crystal emits a continuous slight electromagnetic pulse. As the Crystals’ aura interacts with that of a Human (or plant, animal e.t.c.), this vibration transmits the energy of the Crystal continuously and steadily.
It is this consistency that makes Crystals such great healers!
(E.G. One may intend for their Crystal to radiate calm, or to project the energy grounding and concentration so it can be used when studying.)
How do we program a Crystal?
Crystals are programmed mentally.
After having cleansed our Crystal, we hold it in our hands and calm our mind whilst trying to absorb the unique feel that each Crystal has. We welcome it verbally (or speak to it inside our heads) and we thank it for finding its way to us.
For the programming we use the following words (or something to that effect):
“I release you from your old programming*. You work for the Light, only for the Light and the good of all mankind. Your work is to (this is where we speak the intention). May this be always, in the here and now, according to the Law of Harmlessness**.”
*Sometimes, and this applies more often for jewelry, a Crystal may still hold a program (or energy) set by a previous owner. This is why it is good to cleanse and program it.
** Our own good does not always presuppose the good of others. The most ancient Law of Harmlessness and its’ programming into our Crystal, ensures that we shall not be harming anybody by mistake.
Programming without Intention
Sometimes we crave for a Crystal without having a clear intention as to what we would like it to do for us.
On a subconscious level however, there is always a reason. It’s just that we don’t know about it!
In cases like this, it is better to allow the crystal to decide how it wishes to work for us. The programming here goes as follows:
“I release you from your old programming*. You work for the Light, only for the Light and the good of all mankind. Your work is to bring your best properties to me. May this be always, in the here and now, according to the Law of Harmlessness**.”
Can I program a lot of Crystals together?
If their program is the same, yes you can, but not more than will fit into the palms of both your hands.
Crystal Programming Journal
As time goes by, more and more Crystals are added to our life and after a point it is hard to remember the program of each and every one or even sometimes its name! That is why it is good to keep a journal, so you can also note any reprogramming, loss, breakage e.t.c.
*Do you have a question for us? Please don’t hesitate to contact us at